PACT Regional Champions

The PACT Regional Champions facilitate and collaborate with their local research networks in order to promote PACT and primary care research more widely in the region. They also assist with recruitment for PACT projects within the region and support PACT members who are collaborating on PACT projects locally.

  • Jane Coleman - Regional Champion for East Midlands

    GP (Elmswood surgery) and Research Champion (NHS Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Integrated Care Board)

    Jane is a GP partner at Elmswood Surgery in Nottingham. Elmswood surgery is active in research delivery and supports a wide range of research studies led by Jane. Jane also holds a post as Research Champion for Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICB. This role aims to increase research activity across all primary care and community settings, with a particular focus on reaching underserved communities.

  • Emily Brown - Regional Champion for West of England and South West Peninsula

    GP (Bristol) and NIHR Clinical Research Fellow (University of Bristol)

    Emily is a GP and clinical research fellow at the University of Bristol. Her research interests are in antibiotic resistance, community antibiotic use and point-of-care testing in primary care to inform antibiotic usage. She has worked in multiple healthcare settings globally and has recently completed a masters project assessing the burden of antibiotic resistance in Malawi. Outside of work she enjoys triathlon, cooking and traveling.

  • Scott Hampson - Regional Champion for Northern Ireland

    Pharmacist (East Antrim GP Federation)

    Scott is a General Practice Pharmacist working in East Antrim GP Federation in Northern ireland, and has experience in community, hospital and clinical trials pharmacy. Scott completed an MSc in Advanced Clinical Pharmacy Practice in December 2022 and is an independent prescriber. Scott's research interests include advancing the pharmacist's role in primary care and sustainability in healthcare.

  • Rizwana Sharmin Rahman - Regional Champion for Greater Manchester

    GPST2 trainee (Central & South Manchester VTS) and Academic Clinical Fellow in General Practice (University of Manchester)

    Rizwana is an Academic Clinical Fellow in General Practice with the University of Manchester and a GP trainee in South Manchester. She is passionate about inequalities and medical education and has formerly held roles as a widening participation and teaching fellow. Her research interests lie in improving outcomes for patients with cancer. She holds a Masters of Research (MRes) in Oncology and has previously worked as a fellow at The Christie Hospital. Rizwana’s current research combines these interests, focusing on health inequalities in cancer care.

  • James Bennett - Regional Champion for Yorkshire and Humber

    GP (Sherburn Group Practice) and NIHR In Practice Fellow (Hull York Medical School)

    James is a salaried GP in North Yorkshire and a clinical academic based at the Hull York Medical School. His research interests are in medical education, both for undergraduates and GP trainees. He has also worked in polypharmacy and safe prescribing as well as an evolving interest in how educational interventions can help address the recruitment and retention crisis in primary care. He has recently started an NIHR In Practice Fellowship to further develop his research skills and interest in these research areas.

  • Katherine Priddis - Regional Champion for Thames Valley and South Midlands

    Clinical Research Nurse Lead (New Reading PCN)

    Katherine is the research nurse lead at New Reading PCN in Berkshire and has played an instrumental role in helping the PCN become research active. She has worked as a Research nurse since 2017, during which time she has delivered studies in a wide range of specialities.

    She is passionate about research, with an interest in Health Psychology having completed her MSc in 2021.

    Alongside research delivery she is working on innovative ways in which to engage underrepresented communities in research participation. Linked to this she is also keen to play a part in driving change, to make “non English speaking” less of an exclusion criteria in research design.

    When she is not working Katherine enjoys attempting to grow vegetables in her garden – although to date success has been limited!